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This Restriction On Skilled Worker Visa Has Been Removed Starting April 24 This Restriction On Skilled Worker Visa Has Been Removed Starting April 24

This Restriction On Skilled Worker Visa Has Been Removed Starting April 24

This Restriction On Skilled Worker Visa Has Been Removed Starting April 24

Exciting News for Skilled Workers

Not so good news new have not been favorable and all of that, but recently you can just release a statement of change and Ive, been pointing you guys towards something, and I must say that it is very good. This will take effect from the 4th of April 2024, so we going into the details in todays video, so please stick around with me where we dive right into it.

Changes to Skilled Worker Visa Regulations

This update brings a positive change to the skilled worker visa regulations, providing more opportunities for skilled workers to move to the UK for work purposes. The removal of restrictions will make it easier for individuals with specialized skills to apply for and obtain a skilled worker visa.

Benefits of the New Policy

Skilled workers looking to relocate to the UK will now have more flexibility and options when it comes to securing employment. With the removal of restrictions on skilled worker visas, individuals will have a smoother transition into the UK job market, leading to better career opportunities and prospects.

How This Change Impacts You

For those interested in working in the UK, this change in skilled worker visa regulations opens up new possibilities and avenues for employment. The streamlined process will make it easier for skilled workers to obtain the necessary visa and start their careers in the UK without unnecessary barriers.

Take Advantage of This Opportunity

If you are a skilled worker looking to explore job opportunities in the UK, now is the time to take advantage of this policy change. With the removal of restrictions on skilled worker visas, you can pursue your career goals and aspirations in the UK more easily than ever before.

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Changes to Skilled Worker Visa Route

Just share my screen with you guys so that you will see everything for yourself. Why? We look at it and go through it together. So this is the explanatory memorandum to the statement of changes in Immigration rules presented to Parliament on 14th of March 2024 right. So basically, they just highlighted all the changes that they have made so far.

Changes to the skilled worker route, as announced by the Home Secretary on 4th of December 2023. Changes are being made to reduce net migration by encouraging businesses to invest in the Resident Workforce rather than over relying on migration, while bringing salaries in line with the average full time salary for eligible jobs.

New Salary Thresholds

Now, sponsoring employers must pay skilled workers at least the General salary threshold or the going rates for the individual occupation, whichever is higher. The General threshold is being raised from 26,200, based on the 25th percentile UK earnings in eligible occupations, to 38,700, based on median UK earnings. In eligible occupations, the rates are also being raised from the 25th percentile to the median. These new thresholds and going rates are based on the latest Office for National Statistics pay data.

Exemptions for Health and Care Workers

Workers sponsored for Health and Care visas or in occupations where going rates are set using National pay scales are exempt from the new median salary requirements. Instead, a general threshold based on the 25th percentile, which has been updated from 26,200 to 29,000, continues to apply.

Transition for Current Skilled Workers

These updates also apply to skilled workers who are already in the country before these rules take effect if they are making applications to extend their stay and employment or settle before April 4, 2030.

Occupation List Changes

The Shortage Occupation List is being removed and replaced by a new Immigration Salary List. All other existing skilled worker salary discounts relating to holders of relevant PhD qualifications, new entrants to the labor market, and National Priority Occupations are being retained and updated based on the latest ESS pay data.

Exemption from Salary Threshold

Those who are exempt from the 38,000 salary threshold will no longer face restrictions. More information on this exemption can be found in a video on the channel, to provide a better understanding of the change.

Update on Shortage Occupation List

References to the shortage occupation list have been updated to reflect the new immigration salary list. The shortage occupation list has now been replaced with the new immigration salary list, streamlining the process for skilled workers.

Supplementary Employment in Skilled Worker Route

Supplementary employment in the skilled worker route has been expanded to include all occupations eligible for the route. This means that individuals can now engage in employment other than their sponsored job, as long as it aligns with the immigration salary list or is in the same profession and level as the sponsored job.

In cases where the individual has permission as a skilled worker and is in an eligible shortage occupation, they can work supplementary employment for up to 20 hours per week. This additional work must take place outside of the hours contracted with the sponsor for the sponsored job.

New Regulations for Skilled Worker Visa Holders

Skilled workers in the UK will now have the opportunity to take up additional employment for up to 20 hours a week, starting from April 24. This means that those on a skilled worker visa can now work extra hours in occupations beyond their sponsored roles or the shortage occupation list.

Previous Limitations

Prior to this change, skilled workers were restricted to carrying out supplementary work for only 20 hours a week in the same occupation code as their sponsored role or in a job listed as a shortage occupation. This limitation often posed challenges for individuals looking to explore other job opportunities within their skillset.

Expanded Opportunities

Under the new regulations, skilled workers will no longer be confined to additional employment within the same occupation code. This expansion means that individuals can now take up supplementary work in any occupation eligible under the skilled worker visa route. For example, an engineer could now work as a healthcare assistant or a doctor in their extra 20 hours per week.

Benefits of the Change

This removal of restrictions provides skilled workers with more flexibility and opportunities to enhance their income and career prospects. It opens up a wider range of job possibilities and allows individuals to explore different roles within their field of expertise without being limited by their initial sponsorship.

Expanded Job Opportunities

Skilled workers on a visa can now explore a wider range of job opportunities. The restriction of only being able to work in the same occupation as the one they are sponsored for has been lifted. This change allows skilled workers to take up an additional 20 hours of work in any occupation eligible for a skilled worker visa route.

Conditions to Note

Although the restriction has been removed, there are still certain conditions that skilled workers must adhere to. One important condition is that the individual must continue to work in the job they have been sponsored to do. The extra 20 hours of work should not interfere with their sponsored job responsibilities.

The individual must remain working for the sponsor in the job specified in the certificate of sponsorship. The additional 20 hours of work should not exceed 20 hours per week and must take place outside of the hours when the person is contracted to work for their sponsor.

Normal Contracted Hours

A week you shouldn’t exceed that. This simply means that you have to do your normal contracted hours, the normal hours that you have been sponsored to do, and then the 20 hours must not come in between that.

More Options Available

Now you have more options, you can do more things, unlike when you were limited. This change provides flexibility for skilled workers to engage in additional activities without affecting their primary job responsibilities.

Employment Compliance

For individuals who have come to the UK without immediate job placements and have struggled to find employment, it is important to note that the 20 hours allowed for supplementary work does not exempt them from fulfilling their normal contracted hours in their sponsored job.


It is crucial to understand that the additional 20 hours per week are meant to be supplementary and should not interfere with the hours stipulated in the primary employment contract. It is not a loophole to work less in the sponsored job.

Compliance with Regulations

As per the regulations, individuals on skilled worker visas are required to adhere to the terms of their employment contracts and not use the supplementary work allowance as a means to circumvent their primary job responsibilities.

Additional 20 Hours of Work Allowed

Starting April 24, skilled workers in the UK will now have the opportunity to work an additional 20 hours per week. This change does not cancel the job or contracted hours that the employer has agreed upon with the worker.

Communication with Employers

Skilled workers are advised to communicate effectively with their employers to ensure that they are fulfilling their contracted duties while also taking advantage of the extra 20 hours of work per week. It is important to clarify expectations with employers to avoid any misunderstandings.

Increased Flexibility and Opportunities

This new development is expected to bring about greater flexibility and opportunities for skilled workers in the UK. It allows them to pursue additional work that aligns with their interests and skills, opening up new possibilities and avenues for personal and professional growth.

Eligibility Check

It is crucial for skilled workers to ensure that any additional job they take on is eligible for a skilled worker visa. They should carefully review the immigration salary list and verify that the supplementary work meets the requirements for a skilled worker visa application.

Conditions Still Apply

Even though the restriction on skilled worker visas has been removed, there are still conditions that applicants must adhere to. One of the key conditions is the rule that allows for an extra 20 hours of work per week. It is important not to be carried away by this newfound freedom and to ensure strict compliance with all regulations.

Stick to the Rules

It is crucial for skilled workers to adhere to the rules and regulations of their visa status. By following the guidelines set forth by the authorities, individuals can avoid any complications or issues that may arise during their stay in the country. Compliance is key to a successful and trouble-free experience.

Opportunities for Skilled Workers

This removal of restrictions opens up new opportunities for skilled workers who were previously limited by the regulations. The freedom to work in any occupation, as long as the rules are followed, allows individuals to pursue their desired career paths without unnecessary constraints. This development is a positive step for the skilled workforce.

Staying Informed

Staying informed about changes in visa regulations is essential for skilled workers seeking employment opportunities in foreign countries. By remaining updated on the latest news and updates, individuals can make informed decisions about their career paths and take advantage of any new opportunities that arise. Knowledge is power in navigating the complexities of international work visas.

This update in skilled worker visa regulations marks a positive step towards providing more opportunities for skilled workers to contribute their expertise and talent to the UK job market. The removal of restrictions on skilled worker visas starting April 24 is a welcome change that will benefit both employers and skilled workers alike.

The lifting of this restriction on skilled worker visas is a positive development that will benefit many individuals in the UK workforce. It encourages professional growth, job diversity, and overall economic contribution from skilled workers in various sectors. The increased freedom to pursue additional employment opportunities will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the career trajectories of many skilled workers in the country.

This Restriction On Skilled Worker Visa Has Been Removed Starting April 24

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