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Me Vs My Sister The Monster Me Vs My Sister The Monster

Me Vs My Sister The Monster

Me Vs My Sister The Monster


It could be when I said my first word at 5 months old, when I started reading by the time I was three or when I solved a Rubik’s Cube in less than 30 seconds. Hi, I’m Katie, and none of that is to brag by the way, because being a genius has brought me more misery than I would wish on my worst enemy. I actually have a worst enemy and you’re about to find out who she is.

Family Background

My father was a famous actor who starred in a ton of action movies. He fell in love with my mother, a jewelry designer who designed the engagement ring he intended to give to another woman, but he broke off that relationship to be with my mother. I know, messed up right?

Childhood Experiences

When I was five, I was being dragged around the world to movie sets where my father would show me off like some freak Einstein circus monkey. “Daddy, I need to pee,” I would say, only to be told that I could only go after I answered a trivia question. The time I accidentally peed in front of the entire movie’s cast and crew was one of the most humiliating moments of my life.

Divorce and New Beginnings

My mother finally had enough and divorced my father, taking me back to her hometown. I would love to say things got better there, but believe it or not, that’s when the real struggles began.

My Sister, The Monster

My sister, who shall remain nameless, is the bane of my existence. She constantly belittles me, takes credit for my achievements, and makes my life a living hell. She is the real reason behind my misery, not my genius.

The Arrival of Scarlet

My peaceful life turned upside down when my mom hired a nanny named Scarlet for me. Scarlet, who was four years older than me, made it her mission to make my life a living nightmare. She engaged in cruel and twisted activities such as hanging me out the window by my ankles and filling my pillowcase with spiders.

Intelligence Comparison

I always knew that I was much smarter than Scarlet. Her gullibility and naive nature were evident when she believed her mother’s absurd claim that carrots could help her see in the dark. Scarlet’s attempt to use a carrot as a flashlight only added to my belief that she was truly dim-witted.

School vs. Home

When my mom enrolled me in kindergarten, I found it to be too easy. While the other kids were busy playing with finger paint, I was tackling math equations with ease. Despite my distaste for school, being at home with Scarlet was even worse. Her constant torment and bullying made me dread coming back home every day.

Attempts to Seek Help

Desperate to escape Scarlet’s relentless bullying, I tried to confide in my mother. However, Scarlet had mastered the art of manipulation and deception. With her ability to cry on command, Scarlet painted me as the troublemaker, leaving my complaints unheard and dismissed.

Surviving the Monster

Despite Scarlet’s best efforts to make my life miserable, I refused to let her break me. I learned to outsmart her by switching our cereal bowls, thwarting her attempts at torment. With each passing day, I became more resilient and determined to withstand the monster that was my sister, Scarlet.

Conflict Begins

I mean like full on sobbing mom shes, but I couldnt even finish my sentence before my mom was comforting: Scarlet theres there, its okay, no matter what happened Im. Sure you two can work it out. right and then Scarlet ran and hugged me. Aw, thats, wonderful, Im going to work, see you two besties tonight and the second my mom was gone.

School Troubles

My book was in the toilet and just when I thought things couldnt get any worse, they did the schools principal skipped me to the third grade. Guess with who youve got it: freaking Scarlet yeah. She was left back a year because, as we already established, was really dumb when I got to high school.

Living Arrangements

I was too old to have a nanny, so my mom hired Scarlets mother to help her run her jewelry store and let them stay in our house because She felt like they were family now yay at school Scarlet would play awful pranks on me like putting laxatives in my lunch or filling my hand, sanitizer with super sticky glue.


One night I sat out in the backyard crying I just wanted to be normal and with kids my own age, then, through the guest house window I saw something unbelievable Scarlet was watching, Mean Girls and acting out the part, they say, youre a homeschooled jungle who a Less hot version of me she was actually really good, but then she turned and looked right at me. Oh no, I sprinted back to my room.

Escaping Scarlet

I was up all night terrified about what Scarlet was going to do to me the next day at school. Scarlet just stared non-stop at me in our first-period class. As soon as the bell rang, I sprinted out of the classroom and hid in a Janitor’s Closet. “Um, this is my closet. Go find your own,” I said, nearly jumping out of my skin.

Meeting Wesley

I turned on the light to find a boy sitting in a chair with his feet up on the wall. His hair was long and messy, his clothes were too big, and he had like 20 earrings. He was Wesley, the school weirdo. The rumor was that his family was homeless. “I can’t leave,” he said. “Ah, yes, Scarlet, right? Yeah, I think she may actually kill me. She’s just a sad girl, just like my sister Alice.” “Your sister, yeah, believe it or not. Alice makes Scarlet look like an angel.” “That’s horrible. Wait, why are you in here? It’s my place to get away from everyone.” “I hate drama.” “Wow, I totally get it. People are so petty, judgmental, and mean.” “Yes, I’m Katie, by the way.” “Yeah, I know. I’m a pretty good observer.” Just like that, Wesley and I became best friends. I felt like a total jerk. I always thought he was just a weirdo, but he was the first person who actually understood me.

Discovering Friendship

For the next few weeks, Wesley and I spent more and more time together at school. He helped me get away from Scarlet. Wesley knew every hiding place in the school – under the stairs, in the attic, and there was even an old, broken service elevator. Our friendship grew stronger each day as we navigated through the challenges of high school together.

An Unexpected Invitation

I had no idea for a while things were looking up and then one night something incredible happened. I received a letter from one of the top universities in the country. They wanted me to attend next year and were scheduling an interview at my house. I would finally be rid of scarlet for good. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face.

A Confrontation

I wanted to celebrate, but Wesley would never meet me outside of school. There was always an excuse, but this time I wasn’t taking no for an answer. I tracked down his address online and went there. I figured we would pull up to a homeless shelter, but we turned into the driveway of the biggest mansion I had ever seen. I rang the bell and this really pretty girl with perfect makeup, opened the door.

Family Drama

“Whatever you’re selling we don’t want any.”

“Oh I’m not selling anything. I’m here to see Wesley. Does he live here?”

“Hey loser! Someone is actually here to see you. What do you want with my loser brother?”

“Oh you’re Alice, Wesley’s demon sister Katie. What are you doing here?”

“Hi wow Wesley is a real girl coming here to take you out, there must be something seriously wrong with her leave us alone.”

Bonding Over Adventures

Alice took me to his room, which was filled with books and other cool things. He even had a VR experience and we got to dive in the deep sea with sharks, whales, and all kinds of marine animals.

The Betrayal

It was so cool, but just as we were about to approach a giant squid, the game got too real. Suddenly, a wave of water drenched us from top to bottom, we took off our visors and there was Alice holding a huge bucket of water and laughing her head off. Alice, what the heck, only improving your immersive experience, you’re welcome guys. Before we could respond, Alice had already vanished and Wesley’s RV was ruined as we dried off in the bathroom.

The Grudge

I looked at Wesley angrily. How can Scarlet and Alice be so hateful? What is wrong with them? Alice and I were close when we were kids, but then my mom forced her into beauty pageants and would always criticize her when she lost. It changed her and now she’s like this, like Alice alone wasn’t enough. Scarlet hadn’t forgotten about me spying on her. She was like a snake just waiting for the right opportunity to strike, and on the morning of the big interview at my house, she found it…

The Reveal

“Well, Katie, we feel that you will be a perfect addition to our University and it is my honor to offer you,” the recruiter said just as Scarlet walked in. My entire body froze. “Oh, sorry if it’s a bad time. I’m Scarlet, Katie’s bestie. Uh, hi bestie. Can you please come back later? I would, but I have my math test coming up and need that special sheet you always give me with all the answers,” Scarlet said, revealing her true intentions.

The Accusation

“I have the money I swear. She pays you to give her the answers to your tests.” That’s what Alice said to the College recruiter, trying to ruin my reputation. But I know the truth, she was lying. She’s always trying to sabotage me.

The Confrontation

When I confronted Alice about her false accusations, she simply shrugged it off. “Okay. I think we are done here,” she said with a smirk. But I couldn’t let it go. I told her, “Please don’t listen to her. I’ve never cheated in my life.” My sister backed me up, reaffirming that she was innocent too.

The Monster Revealed

After the confrontation with Alice, I couldn’t contain my frustration. I exploded, calling her a “horrible human being” and even going as far as to say she wasn’t human at all. She truly was a monster in my eyes.

The Arrival of Alice

The next morning, a new student arrived at our school. It was Alice. She had been expelled from her all-girls school, but my mother had bribed our school to take her in. When Alice saw me, she made it clear that she wasn’t going to make my life easy.

The Plan

Feeling defeated, I confided in my friend Wesley. We both knew that we couldn’t let Alice and her group of followers walk all over us. “You know what, no. I’ve had enough of these bullies. We are going to fight back,” I told Wesley. He tried to reason with me, but I was determined. We may not be older, stronger, or meaner, but we were smarter. We had to come up with a plan to take down the monster that was my sister.

Creating Conflict

We are not going to fight them ourselves. Wesley were going to make them fight each other Im listening. We may not be able to change them, but we maybe can redirect their hate. I told Wesley the rest of my plan and he agreed to join you. We were going to make our bull mortal enemies.

Setting the Trap

First of all, we sent a little Welcome to our school gift to Alice from Scarlet. Oh, my God is this: the new jav Vinci it wasnt Wesley, simply took the empty bottle from her trash. This is my favorite perfume, but I guess you could call it perfume. It certainly had a memorable fragrance Alice, put it on and immediately realized. It was not her favorite jinci yuck. This smells like skunk. Actually, it was a nasty mix of fermented anchovies spoiled cheese and overripe cabbage, but yeah, just as bad as skunk and even harder to get off exactly.

Igniting the Conflict

At the same time, we printed a fake version of the school newspaper which Alice had just begun to run and in a very special edition, we crowned Scarlet as the champion of well everything on the worst list from Fashion disasters to Bad Hair Days. Makeup mishaps, terrible class mates and the worst student overall, you name it. She snagged the title as soon as she saw it, Scarlet burst into flames and went in search of Alice. They met in the middle of the hallway. The tension was so intense that it felt like a Dragon Ball, Z battle.

The Beginning of the War

This Is War, and thus the War Began and believe me, they pulled out their heavy weapons. Their pranks were lets say pretty original. Alice kicked things off by spreading the rumor that Scarlet was really a 40-year-old divorcee posing as a teenager. That doesn’t make any sense. Scarlet fired back bluntly and traditionally by vandalizing Alice’s Barbie car and painting it black. No, that’s not even a real color. Alice carried out her revenge following the old rules of the glitter warfare – she hid a glitter bomb in Scarlet’s locker and turned the entire hallway into an impromptu disco party.

Next Level Revenge Tactics

It took Scarlet weeks to get all the glitter off her. And how could we forget the time that Scarlet locked Alice in the bath with a little mouse – next level torture right there. Of course, like true bullies, they occasionally ditched their sophisticated tactics for some classic down-and-dirty hand-to-hand combat. Yet the best part of my master plan was that they were good to us, even though it was just to infuriate the other. It’s amazing what hate can lead to. You’re truly a genius. I should be modest, but I can’t. I am a genius.

The Downfall

Our era of prosperity and peace incredibly lasted for a year. However, as usual, nothing good ever lasts. When it seemed that this beautiful war would continue for generations, Alice delivered a precise and lethal blow. Somehow she got her hands on a video of Scarlet performing in the toilet, just as I had seen her months before at home in front of her TV. She made it viral at school, and Scarlet became a laughing stock.

The Victory

The war was over and Alice had won. It felt like a triumph to finally stand up to my bully of a sister. The Queen Alice. Well, maybe they didn’t cheer like that, but you guys get the point. When I got home, Scarlet was still crying and the waterfalls didn’t slow down for days. She even stopped going to school because she was so embarrassed.

The Guilt

I had finally beaten my bully, but surprisingly I didn’t feel great on the contrary. I felt sorry for her and so very, very guilty, not because she didn’t have it coming. She had it coming. Oh boy, did she have it coming. Still, the feeling of being the one causing her tears felt horrible even worse than when I was the one crying because of her evil deeds.

The Confession

So I decided to come clean and face the consequences of my actions. “Scarlet, I need to talk to you,” I said cautiously. “Go away,” she screamed. The scream was frightening enough to give me second thoughts about confessing, but I carried on. “I have something to tell you,” I continued. After confessing all about my plan, I closed my eyes and waited for my punishment.

The Acceptance

I hoped it would be quick and painless, or at least just quick. I waited a few seconds, but nothing happened. I opened my eyes and looked at Scarlet. “Aren’t you going to murder me?” I asked nervously. “I should, but I kind of get why you did it. It’s not fun at all to be on the receiving end,” she replied. “No, it isn’t. I guess what I’m trying to say is… you know what it is. Don’t make me say it,” I said.

The Deception

I know me too, for what its worth. I think you have a real talent as an actress you think so totally you had my mom believing you were an innocent Angel for years. Not even zanda could pull off a character like that aw thanks, then something unprecedented began taking place.


Scarlet and I went in for a hug, however, just as we were about to make it happen, nope thats too much. You did ruin my life and you ruined my future. Call it even sure the following weeks were pretty good.

A Turnaround

Actually Scarlet called the college recruiter and explained everything Im going to college Im going to college Im going to college as a thank you. I showed the tape of scarlet acting to my dad and he got her a small role in his next movie. When word of that got around the school, scarlet got noticed again, but this time for good, even better, she became part of our little career. True Wesley its time, you also stand up for yourself against your sister.

The Reckoning

By now, Alice had assembled an army of plastic girls and drooling boys, who would do anything she said and with no rival Alice went back to making Wesleys life miserable until one day during lunch in the cafeteria Alice walked up to Wesley and acted like she had Stumbled making all her food spill onto him Wesley stood up and pulled out an old photo from his wallet and showed it to Alice, see this picture Alice its from when you won your first beauty pageant.

Sibling Rivalry

Look how happy we both look here. Yes, I look pretty. Unlike your D, face in a moment of frustration, Wesley tore the picture into pieces, shocking Alice.

Emotions Run High

How dare you I always missed your younger self Alice, and I hoped you would go back to being my lovely sister, but I guess you chose to be a witch and Im done waiting or being patient. Alice tried to push Wesley away, but he held her hand Tightly and firmly.


You really thought youre stronger than me Alice. I never touched you because I respected you as my big sister. youre hurting me Ill. Hurt you more if you dont back off. My friends are around me guys. You know what to do, but just as Alices friends were about to step in scarlet and I appeared from behind Wesley and we know what to do too. The kids Behind Alice began to look scared and uncertain while she stomped her feet in frustration.


Fine you dont talk to me and I wont talk to. You sounds good to me with that. Alice left and we all hugged knowing we had finally stood up to the bullies.

Me Vs My Sister The Monster

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