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Earning $1400 a Day With Google News? I TRIED Earning $1400 a Day With Google News! (FREE) Way to Make Money Online?!

Earning $1400 a Day With Google News?

I TRIED Earning $1400 a Day With Google News! (FREE) Way to Make Money Online?!

Google News Aggregator

The promise is huge: this method Works worldwide and you dont need any special degrees or qualifications sounds intriguing. Lets lets see how it goes. First off we have to open search for Google news and you will land on this page, its the worlds biggest aggregator of local and Global News, Thats continuously updated. What they tell you to do here is pick out news topics that catch your eye.

News Categories

Google news has many categories like Tech, business, Sports, entertainment, science and health and theyre all laid out on the the menu bar. The videos that I watched suggested focusing on health and maybe business topics so thats. What Im going to do in the next few minutes? I will skim these news titles in the health Niche and I will let let you know what I picked all right.

Picking an Article

This is the post that I chose to work with its an article on CNN that is based on a study which found that unprocessed Foods linked uh to heart, disease, diabetes, mental disorders and early death. The article is quite long and very detailed, which is great for this method, based on what at least I gathered watching these videos next, they suggest that we should head over to I dont know why, in all these videos, this particular website is suggested, because I know quite a few Alternatives. Well, maybe because this one is free, but lets see if it does a good job.

Spinbot Review

It on spinbot, let me do that well seems like the tool doesnt ask us to pay anything extra, so its free so far, and I will check the quality of this rewrite later now. Lets compare the first paragraphs on the left and on the right.

Quality Comparison

This was the source eating ultr processed foods, raises the risk of developing or dying from dozens of adverse health conditions. According to a new review VI of 45 meta analysis on almost 10 million people – and this is the Rewritten text – eating Ultra processed food sources – raises the gamble of of creating or passing on from many UNF favorable medical issue. Um shouldnt be issues as indicated by another audit of 45 meta investigations come on meta analysis and meta investigations.

Analysis of Rewritten Text

Doesnt sound like the same same thing to me, whatever uh, or just about 10 million individuals. Honestly, if we just ignore the grammar mistakes and the words that are used in the wrong meaning, it seems like the difference between this text is just a few words replaced by a synonym here and there. It looks like a machine rewrite of the article, but the 2 million views.

Plagiarism Concerns

Videos promis – that we should have no plagiarism worries, because the text was 100 Rewritten and if the thought crosses your mind that this is just repurposing someone elses work, youre, not alone.

It had me pondering too in one of the viral videos. The lady actually made a point that all major news outlets report the same stories on any particular day.

Professional Editor’s Perspective

Most of the time they just rewrite news from each other. She says using different words. Well, this YouTuber told us only half of the truth here Ill tell you soon why its only half truth, because I have some firsthand experience with this. You see for the first 5 years of my professional 9 to 5 career. I worked as a content manager and an editor in an online news website. So, throughout this video, I will be giving you a professional editor’s perspective on each step of the method, since it involves Google News.

Using Better Tools

The first tip that I can give you on this tab is that you probably should use other tools rather than this particular content. Spinner. You could get better results even with a free version of chat GPT. This AI tool can rewrite this text for you without those grammar mistakes, and it not just will mindlessly replace some words with synonyms as this basic tag spinner did so feel free to use my prompt in your chat GPT account because it will help you get a Decent AI generated article based on this CNN post.

Rewriting the Article

So this was my prompt rewrite this article using simple language and make a clear structure of the post with subheadings, bullet points, and references to sources, and then you just copy and paste the entire article from CNN. While it’s writing the text, we can actually start comparing the first paragraph that is generated by chat and the original text, so chat says: Ultra processed foods are not just simple food items that have been altered.

The Dangers of Processed Foods

They are products made from cheap, often chemically modified ingredients. Like modified starches, sugars, oils and more. Consuming processed foods can increase the risk of developing or dying from various adverse health conditions.

The Importance of Being Discerning Online

In today’s digital age, it is crucial to be discerning when it comes to online content. With so much information available at our fingertips, it can be easy to fall prey to misleading or inaccurate information.

Researching Credible Sources

When looking for ways to make money online, it is important to research credible sources and verify the information provided. This can help you avoid falling for scams and ensure that you are pursuing legitimate opportunities.

Helping the Algorithm Understand

As users of online platforms, we play a role in helping algorithms determine the credibility and usefulness of content. By engaging with and supporting helpful content, we can influence what is promoted and shared online.

Taking Action to Earn Online

Following the suggested method of visiting websites like and following their guidelines can be a proactive step towards earning money online. By reaching out to editors and submitting quality content, you can potentially generate income through online platforms.

Attempting to Follow the Method

I personally searched in every possible way on and I couldn’t find this guidelines page, but I did manually copy the email of this Julia Westbrook to follow through with this method. So I sent her my Rewritten article by email following more or less the same structure of the email that was suggested in the viral video I hit send and a few minutes later I’ve got an email reply. I didn’t expect to get anything back so soon, so let’s check what it is. Oh, okay, so this email doesn’t exist anymore.

Possible Reasons for the Email’s Removal

Well, if I were that editor and my email address was shown to millions of people – and I was getting – maybe thousands of useless articles churned out by this spinner tool. I would also close that email address, and perhaps it might also be the decision of Chief, an editor of this website, to close the page about writer guidelines because they had to remove the page about any kind of article submissions or writing opportunities. They probably were flatted with this low-quality content.

Insights from Personal Experience

I mentioned that I worked as an editor in an online news website for about 7 years, and I can tell you that we were not that big of a site as this one and we still were getting hundreds of emails daily from people who wanted to publish on our site. Something and most of them were actually looking for a guest post to get just a backlink from an authority site, so we didn’t even have to pay anything for those articles and still those were human, written optimized for SEO articles, and we were still very picky as to what we were going to publish. Now, if that inbox of mine got spammed with thousands of low-quality submissions per day, it would certainly make my job very difficult and wouldn’t.

The Reality of Paid Articles

Often, it can be challenging to distinguish genuine opportunities from spam when it comes to making money online through platforms like Google News. Many websites no longer offer information on paid articles, leaving individuals questioning the legitimacy of such claims.

The Issue with Rewriting Content

There have been instances where YouTubers highlighted the method of using existing content and rewriting it as a viable way to generate income. However, this approach falls short in terms of ethical considerations. While rewriting articles may seem like a quick solution, it is crucial to credit the original source to maintain credibility and respect for intellectual property rights.

The Importance of Crediting Sources

As someone who has worked as an editor for a News website in the past, I understand the significance of acknowledging the source of information. In journalistic practices, it is customary to provide credits and links to the original news source when reporting on a story that has already been covered. This not only upholds ethical standards but also ensures transparency in the dissemination of information.

Ethical Standards in Online Publishing

Respectable online magazines adhere to strict ethical guidelines when it comes to publishing content. Regardless of whether an article has been rewritten or not, proper attribution to the original source is essential. Failing to give credit where it is due not only undermines the credibility of the publication but also violates ethical norms within the industry.

Google News Rewriting Method

Many people have tried to make money online by rewriting Google news stories and passing them off as their own. However, editors are quick to recognize when an article has been rewritten, especially if it’s done using tools like content spinners. Editors are well-versed in the topics they write about and can easily spot content that is not original.

Why the Method Doesn’t Work

Using tools like Google News and content spinners may seem like an easy way to make money online, but in reality, it’s not effective. Respected websites have their own writers who can produce original content, so there is no need for them to pay someone to rewrite articles. The process is not as simple as some online videos may make it seem, and getting caught can result in being blacklisted by editors.

Alternative Ways to Make Money as a Content Writer

If you’re knowledgeable in a particular niche, there are still opportunities to make money as a content writer. Websites like ProBlogger offer freelance writing gigs in various topics, where your expertise will be valued and compensated. It’s important to provide quality content that is original and informative to stand out in the competitive online writing market.

Websites Accepting Quality Content

For those looking to make money through writing, there are websites that accept quality content in different niches. Some platforms where you can submit your work include ProBlogger, which offers a range of freelance opportunities for writers with diverse skills and expertise. By providing original and engaging content, you can earn money while sharing your knowledge on various topics.

Find Job Opportunities

If you are looking to make money online, one of the ways to do so is by finding job opportunities as a writer. Websites like com offer a platform where you can browse through various job listings. Many companies are looking for writers, including scriptwriters for YouTube videos. These jobs can often be done remotely, providing flexibility and convenience for those looking to earn money from home.

Wide Range of Writing Jobs

On websites like com, you can find a wide range of writing jobs available. From product review writers to B2B blog writers, there are opportunities in different niches such as entertainment, tech, and real estate. For instance, a job posting for a B2B blog writer may require articles ranging from 1200 to 1500 words with research-based insights and practical tips. Some jobs may even offer full-time or contract positions, providing stable income for writers.

Application Process

When you find a job listing that interests you, simply click on the link provided to access the application form. For example, if you come across a job for a product review writer, the listing may direct you to a Google form where you can submit your information and apply for the position. The application process is straightforward and allows you to easily apply for writing jobs online.

Explore Blasting News

Another platform where writers can earn money is Blasting News. This website offers writers the opportunity to express themselves and have fun while writing articles. Writers, also known as “blasters,” can create content that reaches a large audience. Depending on the number of readers, writers can earn up to $20 for every thousand people who read their articles. This provides a potential for writers to earn a passive income based on the popularity of their content.

Get Paid to Write Articles

There are various websites where you can get paid to write articles online. One such platform is Google News, where you can earn up to $1400 a day. The more popular your article becomes, the higher your earnings can be. Google News has a team that helps in promoting and sharing your work, so you are not alone in getting people to read your articles.

Websites to Consider

Aside from Google News, there are other websites where you can make money by writing articles. Listverse is one such platform where you can write engaging lists and earn up to $100 for a 1500-word list. The payment can be directly transferred to your PayPal account. Another option is Long Reads, which pays up to $500 for longer, in-depth stories and essays. However, they do not accept AI-written content, so your work must be original and compelling.

Starting Your Own Blog

If you want to take control of your earnings and build a different life for yourself using your writing skills, starting your own blog could be a great option. You can continue to write for established websites to pay the bills, while also working on your own blog on the side. By creating your own platform, you have the opportunity to earn not just by the word count, but also through various monetization strategies like affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and selling digital products.

The Potential of Blogging Income

Many aspiring bloggers may be discouraged by the lack of immediate financial rewards from their efforts. It is true that in the first year of blogging, one may not see any significant income coming in. However, for those who persist and continue to build their online presence, the potential for a six-figure income is very real. I, for one, saw my blogging income surpass my day job salary within the first year of starting my blog.

Diversifying Income Streams

Some bloggers choose to focus solely on their blog as their source of income, while others opt to diversify their revenue streams. It is entirely possible to double your income by working on a site in addition to maintaining your blog. Many bloggers successfully manage to juggle both, dedicating their free time to their blog while still holding onto their day jobs.

Starting Your Own Blog

If you are interested in starting your blog and exploring the potential for online income, there are resources available to guide you through the process. A free 7-day guide can be delivered to your inbox, complete with instructions and video tutorials to help you kickstart your blogging journey. Take advantage of these resources to learn the ropes and set yourself up for success in the online world.

Exploring Alternative Ways to Make Money Online

Aside from blogging, there are numerous other ways to make money online. In the realm of content creation, one popular avenue is creating videos for platforms like YouTube. Some individuals have attempted to generate income by watching videos on YouTube, showcasing the endless possibilities for earning money through various online channels.

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